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Louver Applications

Architectural Wall Louvers are used to allow air into a building, while keeping out undesirable elements from mother nature like rain, water, dirt, and debris. They also add the extra element of aesthetic design to a building exterior. Use your air intake or ventilation requirements to improve the look of any building.

Use the following methods to select the right louver for your application:

Common Criteria : Ask Yourself :
Select by Application What will the louvers need to do?
Select by Free Area How much air needs to go through the louvers?
Select by Price Range How do the louver prices compare?
Other Considerations What about appearance, wall depth and type, special shapes, mounting options, and finishes?

louver houselouver round


Use the Following table to select the correct louver type for your application:

Louver Application Louver Type Model
Decorative, Air Exhaust, Ventilation Standard Blade Louvers E2JS E4JS
Highest Free Area (69%) Narrow Blade Louvers E6JN
Lower Pressure Drop, High Air Exhaust Velocity Standard Blade Louvers (Performance Series) E4JP E6JP
Air Intake or High Wind Areas Drainable Blade Louvers E2DS E4DS
Air Intake, High Wind, Low Pressure Drop, High Air Intake Velocity Drainable Blade Louver (Performance Series) E4DP E6DP
Extreme Weather, Air Exhaust or Open Ventilation Wind Driven Rain Louver E4WS
Extreme Weather, Extreme Intake Air Velocity Wind Driven Rain Louver E2WV E4WH E6WH
Extreme Wind, Decorative, Air Intake and Exhaust Hurricane Standard Blade Louver E6JF
Extreme Wind, Extreme Weather Hurricane Wind Driven Rain Louver E6WF


Equipment Screen Application Louver Type Model
Full visual screening from horizontal sight line or below, blades horizontal Inverted Standard Blade Louvers V2KS V2KSD V4JS V4JSD
Full visual Screening from all angles, blades horizontal Sight Proof Blade Louvers V4YH V4YHD
Full visual Screening from all angles, blades vertical Sight Proof Blade Louvers V4YV
Full to partial visual screening from horizontal sight line, excellent wind load reduction on structural framing, blades horizontal Inverted Narrow Standard Blades at 3", 4" or 5" blade spacing V6JN

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Select the louver models by free area:

Table is based on a test size of 48" wide x 48" high for comparison purposes:

Product Model Free Area First Point of Water Penetration (free area velocity) Overall Performance (C.F.M.) Pressure Loss at this velocity (inches water gauge)
E6JN 69.1% 915 fpm 9014 cfm 0.12
E4DP 59.3% 930 fpm 8826 cfm 0.12
E4JP 58.4% 960 fpm 8976 cfm 0.13
E6DP 57.7% 1046 fpm 9655 cfm 0.13
E6JP 57.3% 1123 fpm 10298 cfm 0.18
E4DS 56.0% 930 fpm 8333 cfm 0.13
E4WS 56.0% 346 fpm 3100 cfm 0.02
E6JF 54.4% 1020 fpm 8884 cfm 0.18
E2WV 53.8% 889 fpm 7645 cfm 0.24
E6WH 51.4% >1250 fpm 10275 cfm 0.21
E6WF 51.1% >1081 fpm 8832 cfm 0.14
E4WH 50.6% >1250 fpm 10113 cfm 0.25
E4JS 50.4% 888 fpm 7157 cfm 0.15
E2DS 49.4% 889 fpm 7032 cfm 0.12
E2JS 48.7% 725 fpm 5648 cfm 0.08

What does all this data mean?

More about Louver Free Area

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Select the louver models by price:

Product Model Price Compare*
E4JS Least Expensive
E2JS 5% more than E4JS
E4DS 10% more than E4JS
E2DS 10% more than E4JS
E4WS 12% more than E4JS
E4JP 15% more than E4JS
E4DP 25% more than E4JS
E6JP 30% more than E4JS
E6DP 35% more than E4JS
E6JF 35% more than E4JS
E6JN 40% more than E4JS
E2WV 50% more than E4JS
E4WH 95% more than E4JS
E6WH 120% more than E4JS
E6WF 125% more than E4JS

*Price values are for comparison purposes only. Actual quotation prices may vary depending on the sizes required and the options selected.

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Consider these other factors:

The louver appearance should play a significant role in louver selection. It is often ignored in favor of "function over form". However, with so many high performance louvers available the appearance can play a significant role. For example, if your louver heights are small, you will want a narrow blade spacing. This will allow more blades in the frame and improve the appearance. Below are our louver blade spacings listed by model:

Product Model Blade Spacing Frame Depth Wall Depth
E2WV 0.75" vertical 2" >3.5"
E2JS 2.00" 2" >3.5"
E2DS 2.00" 2" >3.5"
E4JP 3.00" 4" >5.5"
E4DP 3.00" 4" >5.5"
E4DS 4.25" 4" >5.5"
E4WS 4.25" 4" >5.5"
E4JS 5.00" 4" >5.5"
E6JN 3.00" 6" >7.5"
E6JP 4.00" 6" >7.5"
E6DP 4.00" 6" >7.5"
E6JF 4.00" 6" >7.5"
E4WH 2.00" 4" >5.5"
E6WH 4.25" 6" >7.5"
E6WF 4.00" 6" >7.5"

Special shape louver suggestions: best choice E4JP

  • Use non-drainable louvers (models with J blades)- since drainable louvers have a gutter in the jambs, they will not drain properly when used for many of the special shapes. To view common special shapes click here.
  • Use narrow blade spacings - the appearance will be more uniform (especially in short height louvers). E4JP and E2JS
  • Use high free area louvers - many of the special shapes have restricted free areas due to angles or rounding. A higher free area louver will help combat this loss of free space. E4JP and E6JP

Review the impact of special shapes on Louver Free Area

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